Wednesday 27 April 2016

Survey Monkey Results(Primary Research- 6)

I have created a questionnaire using Survey Monkey to collect my results. This is to see what people prefer in comics for my Final Major Project. This is helpful as it shows different people's opinions towards comics and graphics. This would also show who I am aiming my work at/ the target audience. ( Survey Monkey Questionnaire) to help me with my character design/development on each of my characters.  Here are my results

  From my Survey monkey results it shows that most of the people who did my survey prefer adventure comics. 75.00% of people  from my survey chose 4-6 boxes showing that I should sue this for my comic. This shows that for my comic I should make an adventure one due to the results that I have got. I have also found out form my results that my comic should  be aimed at teenagers. Also from my results I have found out that the type of preferred text for a comic is block and manga style text. The Demographic of my piece/ survey monkey is for children. This is because I feel as though children would prefer comics then teenagers and adults. 

1 comment:

  1. Good clear analysis, remember to use the audience and research terminology we covered in class when appropriate.
