Tuesday 3 May 2016

Artists Research(7-8 )

John Romita Jr
This image is by John Romita Jr. It has inspired me for my character design/comic book as it shows the different stages through the drawing. Also it shows how John  has drawn his characters for a fantastic comic. It also uses a lot of detail which has inspired me for my character design. I like the way that John has  drawn the characters because it shows that the comic is going to be some sport of action or adventure with the drawing.

This image has inspired me for my comic because it shows a graphic novel through John Romita JR's work. This comic has inspired me for my own work because it shows the character in a comic book. I like the fact that the comic looks 3d giving me the idea that I should create a sort of a 3D comic showing the character jumping out the page. He has also inspired me because of his techniques with drawing comics.

This image has inspired me for my comic/graphic novel because of the colours that he uses. This image has also inspired me for my comic because of the way that the character has been drawn. I like the way that John has drawn his character on the page. He hasn't just drawn the character in the middle of the page, he has also drawn the character with some weapons as though the character is in action.

This image has inspired me for my graphic novel because it shows the different characters for the comic. Also I like the detail that has been used throughout the page. It shows exactly what the comic is talking about.  I like the characters that John has used for his comic as they are very detailed. I also like this piece of art by John because of the colours that he has used. This has influenced me to use detail on my characters to show their personality.

This piece of artwork by John Romita Jr has inspired me for my comic because of the layout. I like the way that he has drawn his characters to fit the comic. Also his work has inspired me for my comic/characters because of the action that each of the scenes show. I like the layout that John has used for this comic. This is because he hasn't just drawn one scene in one box he has done it in more then one which has inspired me.

This piece of artwork has inspired me for my work because John has captured the characters characteristics well. I like the way that he has drawn them in action. This has inspired me because I could do the same thing with my comic. I could make my characters look as though they are moving in each of the scene. Even though they aren't actually moving. I like the feeling that it gives to show the characters and their personality through a still picture on paper.

Artist Research

John Romita Jr
He was born on 17th August 1956 in New York City in America
His talent shone during his drawing of Marvel's Iron Man
John carried on with his dad's work on Spiderman
He is the son of John Romita SR
He was nominated for a Will Eisner comic award in 1989
He studied art and design at Farmingdale State College https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Romita_Jr.#Bibliography

 Will Eisner http://kirbymuseum.org/blogs/simonandkirby/archives/tag/will
This link has inspired me for my comic/ characters because of the way that he has drawn them. His comic structure is inspiring because he doesn't use that many boxes to create his comic. He uses a title box to show what the comic is. The black and white colour for the comic shows the 3d effect which I like / this part has inspired me to use in my comic/graphic novel.

This image by Will Eisner has inspired me for my comic/characters because of the way that the characters are on the page. The layout of the comic is what I like about this one. This is because he hasn't used that many boxes which shows that comics don't need that many boxes to create a detailed comic. I also like the way that he has drawn his characters to show action and movement. The characters in this comic aren't just in one position they are in more then one for each scene which has also inspired me. Also this comic is very realistic showing the characters.

Artist Research

Will Eisner
Will Eisner was born on March 6th 1917
He died on the 3rd January 2005
He was an American  cartoonist, and he was one of the earliest to work in the comic book industry
He started his career as a cartoonist for the New York magazine
His work called the spirit was his most famous piece of work that was first published in 1940
H taught cartooning at the school of visual arts in new York

http://www.creativebloq.com/comics/comic-book-artists-712389- Not only does this link give information on Will Eisner and John Romita Jr but it also gives information on other comic artists. I just felt that Will Eisner and John Romita Jr were the inspiring artists that I have researched as they give a lot of work for comics. This two artists also give the comic style that I would like to use for my comic- using their work as influence.


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