Tuesday 21 June 2016

End of year show- work displayed

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sL9Ruquk4II- ( End of year show work)

This is my work that was displayed at the end of year show. At the Surface Gallery. I like the fact that it was shown at the gallery last Friday. I also like the fact that I have used my own music- my piano talent to use for the project. I enjoyed having it displayed at the end of year show for lots of people to see.

One of my favourite parts of my video was the way that I created the fish swimming type sound. I made this sound by myself using a sound recording/ music making software of Audacity. Then I found a cup of water with a straw. Next I blew through the straw into the water whilst recording the sound. Then I blew on the straw through the water to create the fish effect. I found it great to create this using my own skills, to show what I can accomplish in little time. Also it shows what I can create using my own talents.

The things that I could improve in my video is the length of it. If I was to do this again I would change the length and make it longer. I would possibly use more of my own sounds to make the  video look and seem better. I might even change some of the effects so you can me in the actual shot. This could be displayed on a TV programme as it is to do with a video. It could show the different emotions between the music and the character.

1 comment:

  1. Some great reflections on the displaying of your work here Emma, it would have been a good idea to also consider where your character/ comic strip could be displayed.
