Tuesday, 21 June 2016

End of year show- work displayed

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sL9Ruquk4II- ( End of year show work)

This is my work that was displayed at the end of year show. At the Surface Gallery. I like the fact that it was shown at the gallery last Friday. I also like the fact that I have used my own music- my piano talent to use for the project. I enjoyed having it displayed at the end of year show for lots of people to see.

One of my favourite parts of my video was the way that I created the fish swimming type sound. I made this sound by myself using a sound recording/ music making software of Audacity. Then I found a cup of water with a straw. Next I blew through the straw into the water whilst recording the sound. Then I blew on the straw through the water to create the fish effect. I found it great to create this using my own skills, to show what I can accomplish in little time. Also it shows what I can create using my own talents.

The things that I could improve in my video is the length of it. If I was to do this again I would change the length and make it longer. I would possibly use more of my own sounds to make the  video look and seem better. I might even change some of the effects so you can me in the actual shot. This could be displayed on a TV programme as it is to do with a video. It could show the different emotions between the music and the character.

Monday, 13 June 2016

Extra Research- Ryan Kelly(the artist)

. He was born on the 29th January 1976
. He is an American comic book artist creating things like Funrama
. Ryan Kelly now teaches younger students with classes on how he draws his comics
. He has moved on to work on other comic books
. He has produced illustrations for the Time Magazine , The Rolling Stone and others.

http://www.comicbookdb.com/creator.php?ID=2010- Ryan Kelly

Friday, 10 June 2016

Extra research- different fonts and typography used in comics

I like this font style because of the colours that has been used in the font. This gives the font an interesting effect when it is in a comic. It also gives the audience a sense of what is happening. I like the shape around the word. This is because it makes it stand out more. It gives the effect of a sudden movement for the comic. The colours of the word work very well with the lettering. The yellow gives the wow effect. As if something wrong or an explosion has happened.

I like these typography fonts because they give the effect of a comic. I don't like the colours because it is black and white. I don't feel as though it shows the emotions getting through the comic. I like the different styles of each of these fonts because they show what the word is supposed to show. Without using pictures. I feel like the words express the feeling of the comic when they use. This is because they work in a comic strip.

I like these fonts because they give the information that it says on the lettering. I like the colours that each of these fonts show because it looks effective. Some of the fonts on this image have pictures showing what the word means in a comic strip. I also like the fact that the words and the lettering of each of the fonts exaggerate with the word. The colours are very colourful which I like because it shows that it looks better in a comic strip then by itself.

I like this comic font because it makes the words stand out. The colours used on this font is bright colours showing that it is supposed to be in a comic. I also like this comic font because I feel as though it would work well in a comic strip. This is also because of the fact that the font is bold with the colours. Also the size makes the font seem more bold.  I also like this font because of the word. This is because of the word gives the bold effect. Boom also gives the comic if it was on it a great effect.

I like these comic fonts because it shows what the comic is trying to show through these words. I also like the colour of the fonts because they show how bright they are shown in comics. The fonts bring out the style of the comic. Also these styles of fonts look like they have a cartoon, comic style which shows that they should be used in a comic. It looks as though they are jumping of the page as they are brightly coloured and because of the boldness.

Monday, 6 June 2016


  I have made a power point on my final piece for my project. I think that my presentation has gone very well. I like the fact that I did some prep cards that helped me with my presentation. Also i feel as though I did a good presentation. The way that I went into detail really shows how much my presentation has gone well. Also my presentation went well because of the fact that I have used photos to help me explain my process.